Thursday, September 27, 2007

The Truth About Barcodes!

In my search for conspiracy theories I found an absolutely absurd one. Apparently, we are all being controlled during our everyday purchases. According to Mary Stewart Relfe,, we are all being controlled by bar codes. This interested me because I immediately thought of the numerous people I’ve seen with barcode tattoos. Perhaps these tattooed people know something the rest of us do not! Relfe says that barcodes are really intended to “serve as means of control by a putative world government.” The website provided a step-by-step process about how to decode barcodes. Unfortunately, I had a difficult time following this process and even if I was successful I don’t understand how it would prove problematic.
This theory uses a lot of biblical “evidence” as support. Most people have heard that 666 is “the devil’s number,” and according to Relfe in her book, “The New Money System 666,” “barcodes secretly encode the number 666- the Biblical “Number of the Beast.” Relfe isn’t the only one who recognizes the number of the beast as a problem. Author Sollog does not label any of his books with barcodes because he believes that, “any type of computer numbering systems mandated by any government or business is part of the prophecy of the beast controlling you.”
I see a lot of problems with this theory. First of all I believe that if the government was truly trying to control us they would use something more sophisticated than barcodes. Also I have a hard time believing that the consecutive sixes found in decoded barcodes were placed there intentionally. When billions of numbers are running through computer systems it can be assumed that certain combinations will reoccur. All in all, Relfe, Sollog, and other barcode enthusiasts have no real basis for their believes and I will continue to fearlessly use barcodes in my everyday life.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Short paper #1

In the Simek household, broccoli is a special treat when served at dinner, a reward for good behavior, and even considered a dessert. My personal belief is that broccoli is disgusting. The Simek children however, believe that it is the best food they could receive. One can imagine my surprise when they literally begged for broccoli.
The belief that broccoli is gross may seem insignificant. But it may be worthwhile to explore why children around the country scrunch up their noses in disgust when broccoli is mentioned, or why, in the Simek’s case, it is found peculiar when children actually enjoy eating a food that is so healthy for them.
The media is a common culprit in cases such as these and was a hearty contributor to the formation of my opinion of broccoli. Next to the colorful cereals, and “fun to eat” snacks, broccoli gained a dull, and lifeless reputation. My five-year-old brain had no trouble ranking broccoli below things like lunchables and cheeseburgers. After all, these products had a face, a song and were presented alongside my favorite programs. It seems natural then, when at the dinner table faced with a bowl of broccoli, I questioned my mother’s judgment.
Media alone was not enough to convince me that broccoli was disgusting. Enter, Nicholas. Nicholas is my older brother. He is two years older then I and truly my role model. This was also the case when we were little. I’d follow his friends and him around, happy to sit on the side and watch their fun. I mimicked his attitude, and loved getting his attention. I adored him. Sitting next to Nicholas at dinner I learned the proper attitude about broccoli. Complain when it’s put on your plate, save it for last and say “but Mom I’m full,” and pout when finally forced to give in. Role models are an important part of any opinion. For example, celebrities are copied for their dress, small businesses copy the techniques of successful businesses, and children often share the same ideals as their parents. My role model taught me that broccoli was not desirable, and should be avoided.
Nicholas wasn’t the only family member who influenced my belief about broccoli, my mom also played a large role. She was the enforcer. When asked why they don’t like broccoli, most people will give one of two reasons. One, that it just flat out tastes bad, or two, that as a child they were forced to eat it. Each meal was a battle, my mom trying to raise healthy children, and us resisting her every step of the way. A part of the reason I didn’t like broccoli was because it was being forced on me. It was treated as and obligation, and became a chore. This is why Mrs. Simek is so smart. She used reverse psychology, pretending broccoli was a treat, or something to be earned. Her children become excited when they get the chance to eat broccoli, not because they know its health benefits, but because they know its something special.
The comparasin between the Simek’s opinion of broccoli and mine makes it clear that image truly matters. If something is thought to be bad, it will eventually become bad in the viewer’s eyes and vice versa. As human’s living in society, we are always being influenced. As I grew, more things began to influence me. Instead of the simple life in which I dealt with my siblings, my mom, and my television shows, I was now faced with a world of influences, all fighting for my attention. I began to think for myself, and form ideas on my own. My perceptions, including my perception of broccoli, began to change. Now, in addition to thinking it’s disgusting, I also have the belief that eating my vegetables is something I have to do. It’s interesting that this belief was formed the same was as the previous
Though I was older, with changing ideas, Nicholas remained my role model. In high school he was very involved, so I followed his lead. With his encouragement I ran for student government, and played soccer all four years. Nicholas quit the whining and pouting scene when broccoli was served, and replaced it with a face of endurance. The little sister in me reacted, and I adapted my own reaction to match his. Broccoli and other health food was now something to be endured. I was now old enough to know it was good for me, but that didn’t mean I had to like it.
The media changed my ideas even further and had a gigantic part in creating my opinion about healthy eating. Hollywood boasted the skinniest and the most beautiful people, and while it is not a goal of mine to look like them, I am aware of society’s expectations and the importance of appearance. In our society being overweight is not acceptable. Just ask the thousands of people who bought into commercial claims such as Jenny Craig, and Bally Total Fitness. I’m only eighteen but I’ve seen millions of before-after pictures. After seeing so many of these pictures, my brain now makes the connection that skinny and healthy goes hand in hand with happy, while overweight implies miserable. Obviously, I would much rather be happy and healthy.
My family also makes eating healthy a priority. My mom and I joked before I left about how she would call and ask if I was making good choices. It would understandably be assumed that she was worried about my sleeping habits, workload, or socializing, but no, she’s talking about my food. “Make good choices,” means pick up a pear, not a bag of chips.. “That is just how I was raised,” is a common reason for why people have certain beliefs. In my case this is also true, I have been raised to continue my healthy lifestyle. Being athletic is a must in my family. My parents praise us for athletic accomplishments and show support at all our events. People crave approval, and when they get it they repeat the actions in order to receive it again. We have family dinners almost every night where we all sit down together and enjoy my mom’s home-cooked meals. There is always fruit on my counter, and I take vitamins every morning. These are actions that are done without question. It is just how we function. Thanks to my family, my belief has found its place in a comfortable routine.
My final, and perhaps most important, reason for believing that eating healthy is important is experience. I know that it is important to learn from one’s experiences. I have found that after making a healthy choice about my diet I honestly feel better throughout the day. I get the same feeling after a hard workout. I feel energized and proud of myself. After working out I feel good because I know that I have just improved my body. I’ve also found that it puts me in the “stay healthy” mindset. After exercising I’m inspired to eat fruit, and broccoli for that matter, and the idea of a cheeseburger is disgusting. I get the same feeling after making healthy decisions regarding food. Perhaps this is because I have been verbally rewarded for such actions, but I believe a big part of it is that I know I’m taking care of my body. This feeling is one that I desire to get again and again, so it inspires me to eat healthy.
Eating healthy is an important belief that helps shape my lifestyle. My belief developed with the help of the media, my family, my role model, and my experiences. The belief of eating healthy is alive and well in me today. My sister and I are the food network’s biggest fans, and I’m steadily decreasing the cafeterias supply of bananas. But perhaps most importantly, I know that when I grow up and have kids, they will most definitely eat their broccoli.

I Believe in Broccoli

Broccoli has a bad reputation. Therefore, one can imagine my surprise when the children I babysat for literally begged for broccoli. In their household, broccoli is a special treat when served at dinner, a reward for good behavior, and even considered a dessert. My personal belief is that broccoli is disgusting. The Simek children however, believe that it is the best food they could receive.
The belief that broccoli is gross may seem insignificant. But it may be worthwhile to explore why children around the country scrunch up their noses in disgust when broccoli is mentioned, or why, as in the Simeks’ case, when children actually enjoy eating a food that is healthy for them it is considered peculiar. .
The media deserves credit in cases such as these and contributed heartily to my own opinion of broccoli. Next to the colorful cereals and “fun to eat” snacks, broccoli gained a dull, and lifeless reputation. My five-year-old brain had no trouble ranking broccoli below things like Lunchables and cheeseburgers. After all, these products had a face, a song, and were presented alongside my favorite programs. So naturally when at the dinner table faced with a bowl of broccoli, I questioned my mother’s judgment.
Media alone was not enough to convince me that broccoli was disgusting. I needed convincing on a more personal level. Nicholas is my older brother. He is two years older than I and has always been my role model. I mimicked his attitude and loved getting his attention. I adored him. Sitting next to Nicholas at dinner I learned the proper attitude about broccoli. Complain when it’s put on your plate, save it for last and say “but Mom I’m full,” and pout when finally forced to give in. Role models are an important part of any opinion. My role model taught me that broccoli was not desirable and should be avoided.
Nicholas wasn’t the only family member who influenced my belief about broccoli. My mom also played a large role. She was the enforcer. Each meal was a battle, my mom trying to raise healthy children, who resisted her every step of the way. It was treated as and obligation, and became a chore. A better strategy would have been Mrs. Simek’s. She used reverse psychology, pretending broccoli was a treat, or something to be earned. Her children become excited when they get the chance to eat broccoli, not because they know its health benefits, but because they know it’s something special.
As a child I ate the exact same product as the Simek children, but my perception of that product was different. But as I grew, my perceptions, including my perception of broccoli, began to change. Now, in addition to thinking it’s disgusting, I also have the belief that eating my vegetables is something I have to do. It’s interesting that this belief was formed the same way as the previous.
Though I was older, with changing ideas, Nicholas remained my role model. In high school he was very involved, so I followed his lead. Nicholas quit the whining and pouting scene when broccoli was served, and replaced it with a face of endurance. The little sister in me reacted, and I adapted my own reaction to match his. Broccoli and other health food was now something to be endured. I was now old enough to know it was good for me, but that didn’t mean I had to like it.
The media changed my ideas even further and had a gigantic part in creating my opinion about healthy eating. Hollywood boasted the skinniest and the most beautiful people, and while it is not a goal of mine to look like them, I am aware of society’s expectations and the importance of appearance. Just ask the thousands of people who bought into weight loss programs such as Jenny Craig, and Bally Total Fitness. I’m only eighteen but I’ve seen millions of before-after pictures. After seeing so many of these pictures, my brain now makes the connection that skinny and healthy is better.
My family also makes eating healthy a priority. “That is just how I was raised,” is a common reason for why people have certain beliefs. In my case this is also true, I have been raised to continue my healthy lifestyle. My mom calls to check on me at college, and with every call comes a question about my eating habits. Thanks to my mom’s home-cooked meals and family dinners my belief has found its place in a comfortable routine.
My final, and perhaps most important, reason for believing that eating healthy is important is experience. It is important to learn from one’s experiences. I have found that after making a healthy choice about my diet I honestly feel better throughout the day. I feel energized and proud of myself. Being athletic is a must in my family. My parents praise us for athletic accomplishments and show support at all our events. People crave approval, and when they get it they repeat the actions in order to receive it again. After working out I feel good because I know that I have just improved my body. I’ve also found that it puts me in the “stay healthy” mindset which inspires me to eat healthily.
Eating healthy is an important belief that helps shape my lifestyle. My belief developed with the help of the media, my family, my role model, and my experiences. The belief of eating healthy is alive and well in me today. I know that when I have kids, they will most definitely eat their broccoli.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Unexplainable Cures (revised)

I found an article in Nexus Magazine titled, “The Miracle Man.” The author of this article, Robert Pellegrino, records his own observations of João Teixeira da Faria of Brazil. In Brazil, Faria is a renowned healer. Pellegrino entered the situation as a skeptical journalist, looking for something inspirational beyond the routine of his comfortable life. His change seems completely genuine. He records his first-hand accounts of Faria’s work, and his awe grows with each miracle.
Faria’s work truly falls under that category of miracles. He cures the incurable. People come to him completely desperate, filling his small clinic to the brim. According to Pellegrino, he does not dissapoint.
His procedures are not traditional to say the least. The idea is that Faria has a connection with the spiritual world and after meditation sessions each morning his body is occupied by one of the ten spirits he has contact with. The spirit can then perform the proper operation using Faria’s body and unknown medical techniques.
This seems far fetched, but according to Pellegrino’s observations and Faria’s thousands of followers, it works. An amazing example of this was a lame man that came to Faria. Faria in his spirit-state discussed with the man what he would do if he could walk. He spoke with compassion, treating the man’s mind before his body. This is common in Faria’s practice. He talks with patients before treating them and often sends them away and recommends a changed mindset. This lame man, however, was not sent away. Faria took the man’s foot in his hands and then told him to stand, and then to walk. The man told him he couldn’t, but after encouragement, he walked out of the clinic that day.
These results are not rare in Faria’s clinic. Another women came in with an untreatable growth on her eye. The occupied Faria spoke with her and performed the operation while still in the waiting room. Apparently the spirits use ancient medicine because using a basic knife Faria scraped away at her eyeball, removed the growth, and the women left with clear vision. The interesting thing about this treatment was the women’s reaction, or lack of reaction. She endured the operation as if in no pain and showed no worry when Faria’s eyes glazed over and he looked around the waiting room while continuing to scrape her cornea.
This is truly a bizarre way of treating illness, but if it works who am I to judge. Perhaps this borrowing of spirits from the past is the medicine of the future. The Brazilian authorities surely don’t think so. Faria is always on the run, and has been imprisoned more than once on account of his unethical practices. I can see how Faria has so many followers. He is an answer to their prayers. He has a cure for every problem. He treats his patients with compassion and treats both their body and their mind. Perhaps, modern medicine can learn something from him.
I found an article in Nexus Magazine titled, “The Miracle Man.” The author of this article, Robert Pellegrino, records his own observations of João Teixeira da Faria of Brazil. In Brazil, Faria is a renowned healer. Pellegrino entered the situation as a skeptical journalist, looking for something inspirational beyond the routine of his comfortable life. His change seems completely genuine. He records his first-hand accounts of Faria’s work, and his awe grows with each miracle.
Faria’s work truly falls under that category of miracles. He cures the incurable. People come to him completely desperate, filling his small clinic to the brim. According to Pellegrino, he does not dissapoint.
His procedures are not traditional to say the least. The idea is that Faria has a connection with the spiritual world and after meditation sessions each morning his body is occupied by one of the ten spirits he has contact with. The spirit can then perform the proper operation using Faria’s body and unknown medical techniques.
This seems far fetched, but according to Pellegrino’s observations and Faria’s thousands of followers, it works. An amazing example of this was a lame man that came to Faria. Faria in his spirit-state discussed with the man what he would do if he could walk. He spoke with compassion, treating the man’s mind before his body. This is common in Faria’s practice. He talks with patients before treating them and often sends them away and recommends a changed mindset. This lame man, however, was not sent away. Faria took the man’s foot in his hands and then told him to stand, and then to walk. The man told him he couldn’t, but after encouragement, he walked out of the clinic that day.
These results are not rare in Faria’s clinic. Another women came in with an untreatable growth on her eye. The occupied Faria spoke with her and performed the operation while still in the waiting room. Apparently the spirits use ancient medicine because using a basic knife Faria scraped away at her eyeball, removed the growth, and the women left with clear vision. The interesting thing about this treatment was the women’s reaction, or lack of reaction. She endured the operation as if in no pain and showed no worry when Faria’s eyes glazed over and he looked around the waiting room while continuing to scrape her cornea.
This is truly a bizarre way of treating illness, but if it works who am I to judge. Perhaps this borrowing of spirits from the past is the medicine of the future. The Brazilian authorities surely don’t think so. Faria is always on the run, and has been imprisoned more than once on account of his unethical practices. I can see how Faria has so many followers. He is an answer to their prayers. He has a cure for every problem. He treats his patients with compassion and treats both their body and their mind. Perhaps, modern medicine can learn something from him.

Unexplainable Cures

I found an article in Nexus Magazine titled, “The Miracle Man.” The author of this article, Robert Pellegrino, records his own observations of João Teixeira da Faria of Brazil. In Brazil, Faria is a renowned healer. Pellegrino entered the situation as a skeptical journalist, looking for something inspirational beyond the routine of his comfortable life. His change seems completely genuine. He records his first-hand accounts of Faria’s work, and his awe grows with each miracle.
Faria’s work truly falls under that category of miracles. He cures the incurable. People come to him completely desperate, filling his small clinic to the 00000999999999999999999Pellegrino, does not dissapoint.
His procedures are not traditional to say the least. The idea is that Faria has a connection with the spiritual world and after meditation sessions each morning his body is occupied by one of the ten spirits he has contact with. The spirit can then perform the proper operation using Faria’s body and unknown medical techniques.
This seems far fetched, but according to Pellegrino’s observations and Faria’s thousands of followers, it works. An amazing example of this was a lame man that came to Faria. Faria in his spirit-state discussed with the man what he would do if he could walk. He spoke with compassion, treating the man’s mind before his body. This is common in Faria’s practice. He talks with patients before treating them and often sends them away and recommends a changed mindset. This lame man, however, was not sent away. Faria took the man’s foot in his hands and then told him to stand, and then to walk. The man told him he couldn’t, but after encouragement, he walked out of the clinic that day.
These results are not rare in Faria’s clinic. Another women came in with an untreatable growth on her eye. The occupied Faria spoke with her and performed the operation while still in the waiting room. Apparently the spirits use ancient medicine because using a basic knife Faria scraped away at her eyeball, removed the growth, and the women left with clear vision. The interesting thing about this treatment was the women’s reaction, or lack of reaction. She endured the operation as if in no pain and showed no worry when Faria’s eyes glazed over and he looked around the waiting room while continuing to scrape her cornea.
This is truly a bizarre way of treating illness, but if it works who am I to judge. Perhaps this borrowing of spirits from the past is the medicine of the future. The Brazilian authorities surely don’t think so. Faria is always on the run, and has been imprisoned more than once on account of his unethical practices. I can see how Faria has so many followers. He is an answer to their prayers. He has a cure for every problem. He treats his patients with compassion and treats both their body and their mind. Perhaps, modern medicine can learn something from him.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Supporting a Hoax

Our assignment for this blog was to find a site that claims the Holocaust never occurred. The author, Mark Weber, is not new to the Holocaust as a topic. He edits both the ‘IHR Newsletter’ and ‘Journal of Historical Review,’ which are both published by the Institute of Historical Review. He spends almost ten pages poking holes in history. He challenges everything from Hitler’s true intentions to the way our government presents the Holocaust to us.
In his opinion, “There is no documentary evidence that Adolf Hitler ever gave an order to exterminate the Jews, or that he knew of any extermination program. Instead, the record shows that the German leader wanted the Jews to leave Europe, by emigration if possible and by deportation if necessary.” This is excusing Hitler from responsibility of the movement he inspired. Weber also criticizes the US government and the way it portrays the Holocaust. According to Weber, the government funded Holocaust museums implant certain ideas about the Holocaust into our heads. With the devastating pictures and one sided information, we are getting the idea that the Holocaust was more of a tragedy then it actually was. He also claims that it is misleading to describe the Holocaust museums as establishments that were “generously” donated by the government. The use of the word generously suggests that they are being helpful to us as the public when actually, according to Weber, they are simply forcing their ideas onto us.
Weber also borrows ideas from British historian David Irving. Irving has called the Auschwitz death-camp story a "sinking ship" and states that there were "no gas chambers at Auschwitz . . ." Irving also made and important contribution when he produced a report prepared by Fred Leuchter. Leuchter was an authority on gas chambers. He performed forensic tests on the gas chamber at Auschwitz. Leuchter's report found “no indication of traces of poisonous gas in the walls of the gas chamber and alleged the chamber was, consequently, a fake.” In this article, there are numerous mentions that gas chambers did not exist. Weber claims that disease spread wildly in the camps and was a cause of most of the deaths. This supposedly supports the fact that gas chambers didn’t exist by providing an alternate explanation for the millions of deaths.
Then again, Weber also claims that the “millions of deaths” is not an accurate depiction of the real number. He says the number of deaths is more like one million. Recently, sites in Germany that were previously considered concentrations camps have been “quietly shut down and taken off the lists.” He sources a Swedish newspaper saying, “A leading newspaper, the daily "Baseler Nachrichten", carefully estimated in June 1946 that no more than 1.5 million European Jews could have perished under German rule during the war ("Baseler Nachrichten", June 13, 1946, p.2). According to Weber, we are just extremely misinformed about both the number of concentration camps and the number of people who were killed.
Weber closes with an almost believable summary when he says, “the Holocaust extermination story is breaking down as suppressed evidence becomes better known, and as more people become aware of the facts about what is certainly the most hyped and politicized chapter of modern history. Artificially maintaining the hatreds and passions of the past prevents genuine reconciliation and lasting peace. Revisionism promotes histiorical awareness and international understanding. That's why the work of the Institute for Historical Review is so important and deserves your support.” Weber closes with a claim of policy, a suggestion for us to become aware, join his cause, and lend our support.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

UFO's, Aliens, and USWeb

In my search for an extra-terrestrial believer, I found instead Joe Firmage. Firmage made this assignment interesting because of his unique biography. In short Firmage was a genius who, at a young age, built USWeb, an internet consulting company that grew to be worth 3 billion dollars. It was at this point that he decided to walk away from it. The natural question would of course be, “why?” In an interview with Keith Morrison from MSNBC News, ( Firmage answers, “Wall Street doesn’t feel comfortable with the extra-curricular activities of the nature I have been pursing.” These “extra-curricular activities” involved extra-terrestrials. Firmage developed a passionate belief in aliens, not just that they existed, but that they are active, and walking among us. He was vocal about his beliefs, causing gossip and rumors to fly. It was best for the company that he resigned, he took no such precautions for his own reputation. He continued to preach his believes, investing millions in his quest to educate the ignorant public.
The claim that sets him apart from his fellow believers is that aliens are walking among us. According to Firmage, “science is saying this type of phenomenon is possible. Millions of people are saying it’s happening. We’ve tracked them on our radar. I’ve talked to colonels in the military. I’ve talked to generals. I mean, come on.”
He’s using a claim of fact, backing up his ideas with “fact” and “science.” He also makes his claim sounder by placing respectable figures behind his ideas. As a reader I’d like to know what a general knows about the complicated sciences that Firmage discusses.
Later in the interview, Firmage presents another radical idea, making an interesting connection between the alien visitors and religious history. “Tell me,” he says “what scientific principles do people come to a view of God through? Now, do we put people on TV and criticize their belief in God for having a lack of evidence for it? What I’m presenting to you here is a scientific explanation for an angel.” He seems to think that the visions and characters in traditional Bible stories are visitors. A big claim requires big evidence, but in Firmage’s case he seems to be making excuses for his lack there of. He criticizes the reader for questioning his angle but not others.
Perhaps the interview was not a proper representation of Joe Firmage’s complete ideas. The interviewed could have been bias, or Firmage could have simple had an “off” day. For this reason I downloaded a copy of the book Firmage spent millions of dollars publishing and writing, “The Word is Truth.” ( To me, his book seemed a strange mix of scientific explanations, anecdotes, and theoretical paragraphs. However, in the parts I read, I found many more interesting claims. The first, that we are all “Children of the cosmos,” and the second, that “one day we will experience open contact with animals from other worlds”* Both of these claims are made at that very end of his book. They serve as summaries of his important ideas. He makes the reader acknowledge his or her own insignificance by making them feel small. It feels like a claim of value, with his ideas more desirable, and accurate then others. I think he is ineffective because he is questioning people’s religion. People with religion have a hard time accepting new ideas that challenge their beliefs, even if they are more desirable or accurate then their own. Religion is what people live for, what wars are fought over, and at the heart of almost every person. If one challenges religion, they must be ready for a fight. Any religious person would deny that we are made by cosmos, not God, and that the characters in Bible stories are not divine creatures but aliens or visitors not in God’s plan. He makes risky claims and, I truly do not see much solid support for his ideas. Instead I see eloquently worded theories, that while inspire thought do not inspire change of heart.
So Mr. Firmage, as much as I’d like to believe that there is life out there, sorry but I’m not convince.

• *2 of the last paragraphs of “The Word Is Truth”
• You and I, whether good or evil, right or wrong, black or white, rich or poor, human or alien or snake or
tree or ocean or stone or mountain or world or galaxy, are the children of Cosmos. You and I are animals of
Cosmos called homo sapiens on the being of Cosmos named Earth, our Mother, a blue green speck of truth
sparkling in the seething potential of the heavens, herself a child of the infinite possibilities of change.

One day we will experience open contact with animals from other worlds. Perhaps the first ones we meet
will turn out to have helped to guide us along, intellectually and perhaps occasionally even genetically,
thoughout human history. Or perhaps they may be grander beings still than animals, having taken further
steps in evolution we can't yet understand.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

My best friend is a vegetarian. Her mom is a vegetarian, so nora (my best friend) and her 3 little sisters grew up vegetarian. Every time I come over her dad asks me if i would like a cheeseburger. I feel really bad for the poor guy. Anyway, this is a belief that while I understand, i dont really agree with. Nora is built like a stick, she literally has no meat on her bones. I think that she is missing an important part of her diet. Many vegetarians acknowledge this and make up for it with vitamins or soybeans. I think that is weird and that there's a problem if you have to maintain your health by taking pills. I also don't agree with her reasoning which is "i've been a vegetarian since i was little" that is not a reason. Or if it is, let's look through back in time where history will show that people have been eating meat for centuries. I am aware that many vegetarians say animal cruelty is a reason they don't eat meat. In some cases I agree but there are tons of organic options, "free range" chicken, ect. I love Nora but mostly I don't agree with her because what good is a cookout if you can't have a hot dog?


this is my blog. dont take it k?