Sunday, December 2, 2007

Therapeutic Touch

Energy has taken on a new identity in recent years. It has become something found in people, in nature, and in homes. It has also become something that is impossible to measure and unrelated to science in any way.
This is unfortunate because, as Robert Todd Carroll so perfectly puts it in his Skeptic Dictionary, “only healers with special powers at "unblocking," "harmonizing," "unifying," "tuning," aligning," "balancing," "channeling," or otherwise manipulating New Age energy, can measure this energy. How? They measure it by feeling it.” That leaves those of us who can’t “feel” this phenomenon at the mercy of those who claim that they can.
A curious 9-year old named Emily Rosa took this dilemma into her own hands. She tested 21 therapeutic touch (TT) practitioners to see if they could feel her life energy when they could not see its source. The test was very simple and seems to clearly indicate that the subjects could not detect the life energy of the little girl’s hands when placed near theirs. The Skeptic’s Dictionary stated that, “they had a 50% chance of being right in each test, yet they correctly located Emily's hand only 44% of the time in 280 trials.” If they can’t detect the energy, how can they manipulate or transfer it? What are they detecting? In another instance, Dr. Dolores Krieger, one of the creators of TT, was offered $1,000,000 by skeptic James Randi, to demonstrate that she, or anyone else for that matter, could detect the human energy field. So far, Dr. Krieger has not been tested.

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